Verify the pluginΒΆ

Depending on the number of nodes and deployment setup, deploying a Mirantis OpenStack environment may take 20 minutes to several hours. Once the deployment is complete, you should see a deployment success notification message.

To verify the plugin:

  1. On the Fuel Master node, find the IP address of the node where Kafka is installed using the fuel nodes command:

    [root@fuel ~]# fuel nodes
    id|status|name            |cluster|ip  |mac |roles               |
    1 |ready |Untitled (fa:87)| 1     |... |... |kafka               |
    2 |ready |Untitled (12:aa)| 1     |... |... |kafka               |
    3 |ready |Untitled (4e:6e)| 1     |... |... |kafka               |
  2. Log in to any of these nodes using SSH, for example, to node-1.

  3. Run the following command:

    root@node-1:~# netstat -ntpl | grep java
    tcp6     0     0 :::9092        :::*           LISTEN      14702/java
    tcp6     0     0 :::2181        :::*           LISTEN      9710/java
    tcp6     0     0 :::9990        :::*           LISTEN      14702/java

    You should see Zookeeper running and listening on port 2181 and Kafka on ports 9092 and 9990 accordingly.

  4. To perform additional verification tests, for example, to try send and receive messages, see the instructions provided in the Quick Start Guide (steps 3-5).